Employee Retention Strategy: Leveraging Compensation and Benefits


Employee Retention Strategy: Leveraging Compensation and Benefits As the “Great Resignation” continues to surge, employee turnover remains a top concern for employers. Last month, we covered our first employee retention strategy: promoting wellness in the [...]

Employee Retention Strategy: Leveraging Compensation and Benefits2021-11-29T19:58:55-05:00

Why You Need an Employee Value Proposition (EVP)


Why You Need an Employee Value Proposition (EVP)   Does your company have a well-thought-out, meaningful “Employee Value Proposition?” An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a statement that provides employees and potential employees insight into [...]

Why You Need an Employee Value Proposition (EVP)2021-05-03T18:14:45-04:00

10 Creative Benefit Solutions for Employees


10 Creative Benefit Solutions for Employees Team lunches, happy hours, company picnics, bowling, tickets to baseball games, or concerts–a year ago, these activities would have been at the top of our list for bringing employees [...]

10 Creative Benefit Solutions for Employees2020-07-23T11:23:01-04:00

When to Leverage the Mid-Year Review Process


When to Leverage the Mid-Year Review Process Performance Management can be tricky.  Balancing just the right amount of regular communication and coaching with just the right amount of more formal performance documentation can mean the [...]

When to Leverage the Mid-Year Review Process2020-06-15T13:04:38-04:00

Creating a “Return to the Office” Plan


Creating a “Return to the Office” Plan Now, more than ever, business owners are realizing that many of their decisions can have a deep impact on the longevity of their businesses, such as [...]

Creating a “Return to the Office” Plan2020-05-04T13:48:33-04:00